New sounds from Sunderland
The research of Professor Phil Ellis and Dr Lieselotte van Leeuwen at the University of Sunderland is leading to a growing understanding of the inter-relationship between sound, visual stimulus, gesture control and the effects of vibration.
This work has now been recognised with an award for the establishment of a Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, which will result in a regional Sound Therapy Centre at Sunderland.
The centre will enable students to explore the technology and techniques of VibroAcoustic Sound Therapy. It will be open to students on a variety of music courses or in therapy training, and to professionals involved in education and health in areas concerned with children with special needs (in particular profound and multiple learning difficulties and autism), and the elderly in long-term care or elderly mentally infirm.
Formal courses will be established with the possiblility of an MA becoming available in the future. Currently there are two people working towards PhDs, and an MPhil student hopes to base his thesis on a study of therapeutic activites in community settings. Applications for higher degree study (full or part-time) are welcome at any time.
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