SOUNDBEAM Funding information and ideas              2025

People have had a lot of success in fundraising for their Soundbeams. We have heard of individuals sitting in baths of baked beans, shaving their head and even walking the Great Wall of China!

However you could try getting funding from the list below. Most of the organisations listed have at some time helped fund a Soundbeam purchase. The list covers individuals and schools.

Other funding ideas….

Music Hubs ‘Music Services’ are able to purchase a Soundbeam for your School. This is extra funding available for musical instruments including Soundbeam in England.

If you are purchasing for a school, you could spread the cost among several departments as many people have used Soundbeam cross curriculum such as accompanying story telling in English lessons, motivating movement in P.E. and inclusion during music.

Some of the recent funders - EMI Music Foundation, Wallace & Gromit Children's Charity, Music for All, Variety (north) and Lifelites either click on the logos or scroll down to see more funders and details.

Amber Trust
The AMBER Trust was set up to bring hope and fulfilment to blind and partially sighted children who have a talent or a love for music.

Who is eligible?
The Awards are open to blind or partially sighted children and young people up to the age of 18, who may also have other physical disabilities and/or learning difficulties.

How to Apply:
Visit  and select your area to find out how to apply.

Contact Details: Tel: 0300 323 9964 Email:


Grants for the arts are for activities carried out over a set period and which engage people in England in arts activities, and help artists and arts organisations in England carry out their work.

Who is eligible?

How to Apply: 

Contact Details: Tel: 0845 300 6200  Email:

Awards For All - Big Lottery Fund.
Lottery grants of between £500 and £10,000.
Projects can encourage a wide range of community, arts, sports, heritage, health, education and environmental projects.
Funds are available for activities which bring people together, improve their quality of life, encourage them to take part in local activities and help groups to become well organised.

WHO CAN APPLY? Any not for profit group, parish or town councils, schools, or health bodies.

EXCLUSIONS Companies which aim to distribute a profit, statutory bodies not mentioned already, individuals.

How to Apply:

Contact Details

England Tel: 0345 41 020 30 email

Northern Ireland Tel028 9055 1455 Email:

Wales Tel: 0300 123 0735 Email:

Scotland Tel 0300 123 7110 Email:


The Boparan Charitable Trust

The Boparan Charitable Trust aims to help children and young people up to the age of 18, throughout the UK, who are disadvantaged either through poverty, disability or life-limiting conditions. Tel: 0121 214 9364

Application Enquires Email:


Children Today
Children Today is the charity that raises funds to provide specialised equipment for children and young people with disabilities throughout the UK. Our aim is to ensure that every disabled child and young person fulfils their potential and leads an active childhood.

How to Apply:
Call on 01244 335622 to discuss your needs and request an application form.

Contact Details: Tel: 01244 335622   Email:


The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation aims to improve the quality of life throughout the UK.
We do this by funding the charitable activities of organisations that have the ideas and ability to achieve change for the better. We take pride in supporting work that might otherwise be considered difficult to fund.

Who is eligible?
Our primary interests are in the arts, education and learning, the environment and enabling disadvantaged people to participate fully in society.

How to Apply:

Contact Details: Tel: 020 7812 3700   Email:

EMI Music Sound Foundation now Universal Music UK Sound Foundation

EMI Music Sound Foundation / Universal Music UK Sound Foundation is an independent music education charity, established in 1997 to celebrate the centenary of EMI Records and to improve young peoples' access to music education in the UK & Ireland.

The Foundation has helped over two thousand schools, individual students and teachers improve their access to music through the purchase or upgrade of musical instruments and equipment

The Foundation provides grants up to a total of £1,500 towards the purchase of musical instruments and/or equipment for individuals who are in full time education and Schools who require the equipment to fund music education. We also fund courses and training opportunities for music teachers who work within schools.

In order to apply for financial support you must complete our application form in full, providing us with the relevant evidence required. 
(Please see the application form ‘Completion Instructions’ for more information)

Tel: 0203 932 6101    Email:


Family Fund
We are the UK's largest provider of grants to low-income families raising disabled and seriously ill children and young people. We help ease the additional pressures families face. We can help with essential items such as washing machines, fridges and clothing but can also consider grants for sensory toys, computers and much needed family breaks together.

Who is eligible?
low-income families raising disabled and seriously ill children and young people
Applications for a Family Fund grant can be made by the parent* or carer* of the disabled child or young person. Young people aged 16 and 17 can make an application in their own right.

Applications should be made per family.

If you are making an application on behalf of more than one disabled child, please complete an additional child form for each child you are applying for.

*This should be the person who has parental responsibility for the child and with whom the child lives.

How to Apply:

Tel: 01904 550055

Get Grants provides Free Fundraising resources for Charities, Community Groups and Schools (there can be fees on some services). Popular tools include a Free Funding Finder, Free Monthly e-Newsletter and a Free Introduction to Bid Writing Workshop. Additionally they provide Full Day Fundraising Training Courses throughout the UK. They don’t do individual private funding


The Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation
Music Funding
The Trustees recognise that music is seriously under-funded in the UK and will consider applications for support in those areas of music performance and education which do not readily attract backing from commercial sponsors or other funding bodies, or which are not eligible for public funding. Priority will be directed towards supporting the work or education of musicians based in, or wishing to study in, the UK, but by no means exclusively so. An important criterion will be whether, in the opinion of the Trustees, the funding sought will make a significant difference to the applicant's prospects.

Education & Social Exclusion Funding
The Foundation recognises that there are already considerable public resources allocated to these two areas. However, it will be willing to consider support for projects which may not qualify for public funding or attract other major funding bodies. Contributions towards the running expenses of projects for a strictly limited period will be considered.
Eligible projects would ideally:

be innovative
focus on the disadvantaged
have lasting effects

Who is eligible?

How to Apply:
To apply for funding please complete the application form and submit it together with supporting documentation and your most recent financial accounts


Lifeline 4 Kids
We are a UK national children's charity established in 1961. Originally known as The Handicapped Children's Aid Committee, our working name has now changed to Lifeline 4 Kids. We help children throughout the UK and occasionally abroad. Our members work on an entirely voluntary basis and we have no paid staff or fundraisers.

How to Apply:
Tel: 020 7794 1661

Through the magic of technology, Lifelites gives life-limited and disabled children in hospices opportunities they wouldn't otherwise have.  

Lifelites provides specialist entertainment and educational technology packages for these young people to learn, play, be creative, control something for themselves and communicate - for as long as it is possible.  

We do this for 10,000 children at every baby and children's hospices across the British Isles. So wherever you are, there will be a Lifelites project for children near you.

Tel 0207 440 4200 Email:

Refer a child for a wish

We grant magical wishes to children and young people aged from 3 to 17 living with a life-threatening condition.

Tel: 01276 40 50 60 Email:

Scotland: Tel/Fax: 0131 535 1037   Mobile: 07740 161988 Email:

Northern Ireland: Tel/Fax: 028 9080 5580   Mobile: 07730 299842 Email:


Find a funding opportunity. Making Music has a good funding search tool.


In the UK we’re continuing to face increasing social challenges, such as an ageing population and growing diversity within our local communities. Getting involved in music can present a wealth of opportunities – helping us to break down barriers; providing a variety of educational opportunities as well as helping us to find ways to integrate many diverse and minority groups positively into our society.

Playing a musical instrument can provide a real sense of personal achievement or could allow parents to experience that unique feeling of pride – hearing and seeing their children perform. At MfA we’re passionate about helping people to find ways to understand and experience the enjoyment and benefits of playing music.

Individual Grant Application

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have access to musical instruments and lessons. Our Grant Application process allows us to help people fulfil their musical dreams. Young, old, regardless of personal or life challenges, we truly want music to be for all.

Please download, print and return the application form below:

Download PDF

Community Project Funding Application

Many projects and initiatives take place throughout the UK that all aim to bring music to their community. Most would benefit from a “helping hand” to fulfil their potential in becoming truly sustainable music programmes.

Please download, print and return the application form below:

Download PDF

Contact:  Tel: 01403 800500



Paul Hamlyn Foundation
Established in 1987 by the publisher and philanthropist Paul Hamlyn (1296-2001), Paul Hamlyn Foundation is one of the leading independent grant-making organisations in the UK. With UK programmes spanning the Arts, Education and Learning and Social Justice, and a programme of support for NGOs in India, the Foundation works to help people fulfil their potential and enjoy a better quality of life now and in the future.

Who is eligible?

Contact Details: Tel: 020 7227 3500 Email:


PRS for Music Foundation

(Please note we are an independent charity and we are not PRS for Music)
Our mission is to stimulate and support the creation and performance of new music throughout the UK and to ensure that this music is enjoyed by a wide audience. Over the past 10 years we have proved ourselves as a significant force in supporting pioneering musical activity. Since March 2000 we have supported over 4,000 new music initiatives to the tune of over £14 million. We do this through open grant schemes which are available to musicians and organisations four times per year and partnership programmes which we lead in response to specific needs and gaps in funding.

Who is eligible?: PRS website states: If you're looking for funds to support your music activities please read all the information on our Funding pages and check out our Eligibility guide before contacting us.

Contact Details: Tel: Email:

The Radcliffe Trust
The Radcliffe Trust supports classical music performance and training especially chamber music, composition and music education. Particular interests within music education are music for children and adults with special needs, youth orchestras and projects at secondary and higher levels, including academic research. The Trustees respond to applications and also initiate their own projects.

Who is eligible? 1. Applicant must be a registered charity or an exempt charity.
2. Applicant must be based in the UK.
3. Bursaries and other support for fees are normally paid to the education organisation.
4. Applications are considered under eight headings;

i. composition and contemporary music
ii. bursaries for courses and summer schools; limited to U.K. based students
iii. music therapy / special needs
iv. academic research / projects
v. youth orchestras
vi. performance projects
vii. educational projects
viii. miscellaneous


i. no retrospective grants
ii. no deficit funding
iii. no general appeals or endowment funds
iv. no operating costs
v. no competitions
vi. no capital projects

How to Apply:http:

Contact Details: Tel: 01285 841900 Email:


Universal Music UK Sound Foundation (formally EMI Sound foundation)

Universal Music UK Sound Foundation is an independent music education charity, established in 1997 to celebrate the centenary of EMI Records and to improve young peoples' access to music education in the UK & Ireland.

The Foundation has helped over two thousand schools, individual students and teachers improve their access to music through the purchase or upgrade of musical instruments and equipment

The Foundation provides grants up to a total of £1,500 towards the purchase of musical instruments and/or equipment for individuals who are in full time education and Schools who require the equipment to fund music education. We also fund courses and training opportunities for music teachers who work within schools.

In order to apply for financial support you must complete our application form in full, providing us with the relevant evidence required. 
(Please see the application form ‘Completion Instructions’ for more information)

Tel: 0203 932 6101    Email:


Individual grants range from £100 to £10,000 and over 300 requests have been answered in the last three years.

For individuals: Variety, the Children’s Charity, always welcomes applications from individuals with a specific need.

 For organisations: Variety helps suitable organisations in exactly the same way that we do individuals - any way we can. We provide day to day items to make the lives of those involved easier and as fulfilling as possible.

Please ensure you read the guidelines before completing your application. Forms must be returned with all the relevant supporting documents to:

For more information, please contact our Variety Youth Clubs and Grants Manager, Julie Thomas on 020 7428 8120 or email:


Wallace & Gromit's Children's Charity is a national charity raising funds to improve the lives of sick children in hospitals and hospices throughout the UK

Tel: 0117 927 3888 Email:

We’re Youth Music. We’re a national charity investing in music-making projects for children and young people facing challenging circumstances.

We believe everyone should have the chance to make music.

Our projects help young people develop musically, of course, but they have personal and social outcomes too. - See more at:


  • The list of funders and their criteria can change without notice.